Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I missed the message

It seems that when Mr. Obama was campaigning, I did not listen long enough. I heard him say, "Change." I missed the second part of the message, as did most of the voting public. It was, "back."
As evidenced by his cabinet appointments, Mr. Obama did not intend to change to something new, only to, "Change back." Back to the Clinton leadership and ideas that led to many of the failed policies that we had to endure with the Democrat-led congress. The deregulation of the banking system that Clinton (Bill) put into place that allowed the subprime, Fannie Mae etc. melt down.

Now we change back to FDR's public works policies to save us from the economic disaster, so we can hand the profits over to the holders of our creditors - the Chinese.

I have been learning the wrong languages. I thought Spanish and English would help me communicate with my fellow citizens. Chinese would be a better language - the language of the new management.

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