Saturday, January 14, 2012

Measuring a life

Dr. Ben Siu - a man of God who signed his notes "Donkey serving Jesus" fashioned after the tale of the donkey colt that carried Y'shua into Jerusalem for the Triumphant Entry. The donkey was quite impressed with the crowd's adulation when the Master was on his back. The cloaks and palm leaves that made a blanket for his feet felt nice as did the crowd's shouts and praises to God for the duo as they traveled into history - as predicted by the prophets of old.
Later the donkey reentered Jerusalem without the Lord on his back, and to his dismay no one noticed him at all. He realized that all the attention he experienced before was merely because he was part of the plan to glorify Jesus.
Ben Siu, MD knew that all his fantastic accomplishments (and believe me, they were many) were nothing more than carrying Jesus into places He wanted to go and speaking the words Jesus wanted to say. Ben's humility in the face of a superior life, well-lived magnified the glory of his Savior.
Though this means little coming from a fellow servant donkey, I join Ben's Master in saying, "Well done."
How do we measure a life? Number of years? Wealth gathered? Accolades of men? Educational degrees? Even lives saved?
No - as described in Ephesians 3:10 - it is by the glory we bring to our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ or in more Hebraic terms - Y'shua the Messiah.

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