Saturday, November 12, 2016

2 Peter 3

Awwwk, Awwwk, this is an activation of the emergency broadcast system. There has been infiltration of evil among us:

Please refer to your Emergency Manual - The Holy Scriptures where you will find the following
  • Prophecies from those who heard from God Himself - the holy prophets
  • Instructions, plans and philosophy from the Lord Himself- Jesus Christ (as delivered by his closest confidants, the Apostles)
Description of the threat:
  • Perpetrators can be spotted chasing vane and lustful pursuits
  • Their message seeks to erode faith and stir doubt- "Where is this eminent coming that was promised? It did not happen as prophesied and is an empty promise. Nothing has changed. Everything continues as it has since the beginning of time - random events leading to nowhere."
  • Contravening facts - 
    • Creation happened by the Command of YHWH
    • The earth itself was first a watery mass that was shaped into this world by YHWH
    • In fact His control over the earth was demonstrated when He used water to destroy all the living creatures from the face of the earth
Future plans revealed - 
  • The earth is held safe only by YHWH 
  • The next great judgment will involve a fiery mode destruction
  • There is a day set apart as "The Day of Judgment" upon which ungodly men will be targeted 
Information and Facts from the Command Center concerning this "Judgment Day"
  • The timing is based on time as YHWH experiences it - one day can be a thousand years or more to Him
    • His motive to delay (by man's standards) is Mercy.
    • He wants no one to be "the ungodly."
    • He is providing every opportunity for those who are ungodly now to discover the truth and change their minds
  • WARNING: Time will run out
    • There will be no immediate warning as centuries of warning have gone unheeded
  • The event:
    • The sound of destruction will be a mighty roar as the skies disappear
    • the very elements will be destroyed by intense heat
    • All we know will be consumed in fire
Response and Preparation are required - act now 
  • Practise holy conduct and godliness
  • Adopt a lifestyle of expectation of the "Day of the Lord."
  • Know that destruction of everything by fire is coming
  • Know that everything right down to the elements - the building blocks of matter will be destroyed in the intense heat
  • Expect a new heaven and earth where righteousness will reign
  • Maintain with diligence the peace that comes from being spotless and blameless before Jesus realizing His patience is for the salvation of as many as possible
  • Rely on The Instructions written by those like Paul where you can check for second opinions about these things to keep straight what is the truth. Disregard the distortions inserted by untaught and unstable men who reinterpret scripture to their own destruction. Don't be sucked in by their deceptions
  • Exercise Faith to grow in grace and knowledge of Y'shua the Messiah, whom we honor with Glory now and  to the day of eternity. - Make it so.

This has been an activation of the Emergency Broadcast System. Further announcements will come as history is revealed. For now we return you to the regularly scheduled programming. 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

George K died on his birthday

George K was a friend. We grew to know and love God together through a number of adventures when we were in those formative years - the ones everyone hates, yet during which characters are forged and cemented in place. George was a talent - a musician and was always intense. Blond hair and dark brown eyebrows that pointed down toward the bridge of his nose gave him a piercing gaze. In those years the black rimmed glasses were common and his memorably increased the strength of his face.

His music could stir one's emotion right down to the soul. He loved His Savior and the music carried that commitment. Notes were certain. Faith was certain. He was strong, and those close to him gained confidence in the message as the music soared.

George is with our Savior Jesus now. The day he completed 62 years in this world, he left us. Though the paths we traveled crossed only infrequently, love for that man burned on. We communicated every decade or so, as the patterns set before cell phones, college, families and the internet were not easily relearned. Our last several touches were about the frailty of our aging bodies under the burden of our respective cancers. His was worse, but his message had more hope.

Thank you Father God, YHWH, for the years You gave me the honor of George's life shining into my heart, singing to my soul, playing his music to my ears, and challenging my life with his force of living. He was Your good and faithful servant. #georgekoehl #servantheart

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Invincible or the exit

A week at 62 years, months, and days
A journey with many stops along the ways
What were Your plans when we started?
You knew sheep would become parted.

Now scattered distant over hills afar
Your voice unifies hopes and heals scar
In those we have been entrusted a moment
Realizing now it was You who sent.

Fear has no place on this roadway
For a guide who owns the seconds of the day.
No loss of  a single hair from the head of those
Under His staff, even when the evil ones arose.

So, we are invincible in Your care and toil.
There is evil at bay, ready to uncoil
In violence and destruction with no bound,
Like that in the Ciudad Bolivar we found.

Father, this glimpse into Your tortured heart
Awakens passion and love in every part
Of our being. Causing breath to be short
as we remember the faces evil did so distort.

If we cannot serve you here, our Senor
Then take us home to serve even more
We have no joy but the warm of Your glory
Without that light there is no story.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Seen today from the water

Three times I cried today- not tears from sorrows
For those tears have for many years been dried.
No, these tears were tears of tomorrows
When in joy, all God's children will have cried.

Of victory long ago won by God's only Son,
Who will kneel down over a horse trough in a "church"
And say to the one rising from the water
The one whose heart healing has just begun,

"Don't worry, my child. I've got this."

The failing eyes were closed and blurred by tears,
Yet, through grace and mercy gifted them
As no one can ever prove or grasp - only fear
They saw Him right here, right now, as He said He would be.

For that moment what is real was revealed.
There was no cancer - no toilsome work to do.
Only a room full of His own - praising God
Surrounded by strong "men" dressed in white

- but no one knew? Only a few.

Now what? How should I share such a gift?
Who will be blessed or who will believe?
Guess it is not mine to say, but today before I drift
I must pack it in words and let those who can ... receive.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Vapor

Did you hear that?
It comes only so often.
To share it is an "almost never,"
But you are my known.

We have touched places deep and quiet.
You know what is real - what is posed.
Absorb this moment, Breathe with me.
And now alone and silent. Gone. Stone again.

Already a myth, not memory.
There was no us - we passed, Ended before it was.
Real hides again by the noise and mist of our heightened senses.
There is nothing but a chemical imprint
Diluted, fading, "ased" by an enzyme to accelerate the disappearance.

What will remain? It started from null, but with such a show.
What will "become" next? What will be "begotten?"
Before creation ... after eternity... is there then?
Between is all imagination can discover or dream.

This was where we touched and parted. Me first.
They will never understand it all - no one ever does.
The between is oh so sacred. That's why it is designed to be only once.
There is no message to remember.

Your Willing Servant
Britt Nelson 2016
J.J.                                      S.D.G.